“To ensure accuracy, Assessors must rely on observable, objective data and facts (not inference).”
When you validate data through Triangulation, you are able to:
Test the accuracy of the data gathered from one source against data from other sources
Provide sufficiency by using multiple sources of information
Consider different perspectives to validate the information gathered
Worker Interviews
100% of interviewed workers stated that they paid fees of up to 25,000 Baht to a combination of the sending and receiving country brokers.
Documents and Records
Document Review
Facility does not have a policy or procedure limiting the amount workers pay in recruitment fees.
Management Interviews
Interview with Employment Site Management
Facility has not yet implemented the standards on zero fees to workers, and does not have procedure limiting the amount workers pay in recruitment fees.
Validated Finding
Assessment Finding
The facility does not cover the recruitment fees and costs for foreign migrant workers. 100% (11 of 11) of sampled migrant workers from Cambodia paid recruitment fees ranging from 20,000 - 25000 Baht,
Choose the correct answer.
Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer based on what you learned.
1. Worker Interviews
Data point 1:
Workers interviewed did not understand the terms and conditions when they signed the contract before they left for the destination country. Workers reported that they signed the agreement on the day of their departure.
Data point 2:
Workers interviewed confirmed that the contract they signed is not written a language that they understand, and the recruitment agent did not explain the contents of the document they signed.
2. Documents and Records
Data point:
The employment contract is not written in the language that the workers understand, and does not contain all the required provisions of the law and the customers’ requirements.
3. Management Interviews
Data point:
Management reported that the contract is not written in the native language of the workers but they expect the recruitment agents in origin countries to explain the terms and conditions to the selected workers before they sign the agreement.
4. Validated Finding
Finding Statement
There are gaps in the mechanisms to ensure that workers understand the terms and conditions of the job prior to signing the employment agreement. The employment agreement is not written in the language that the workers understand.
The Systems Approach and Triangulation are ways to ensure auditors are gathering sufficient and accurate evidence for the audit findings.
If you found this module helpful the Verite Ethical Recruitment and Employment Auditor Training offers simulated auditing for implementers, as well as systems and risk identification. More information on this and other courses can be found here.
Please note that the photos included in this toolkit are used solely to illustrate the locations and situations in which risks of violations to the standards are being discussed. The people shown in the photo(s) do not represent any specific person or group of people noted in the text.
Cover: Audrie Siahainenia/Conservation International
Peter Hershey/Conservation InternationalFigure 1: Systems Approach Framework:
VeritéFigure 2: PDCA Framework:
VeritéPhoto background for Systems Assessment statement:
Figure 3. Systems Approach and PDCA Frameworks:
Knowledge Check:
Arina Ertman/Unsplash.comFigure 4. Triangulation Framework:
Jessa Marie Pedrola/Conservation International