Step Checks
A. Open the Interview
Open the discussion in a friendly, casual and positive manner.
Build rapport, as needed.
Be clear with the purpose of your interview.
Explain how the interview will progress.
Provide interview norms and clarify role.
Manage expectations and concerns of employee
Always guarantee confidentiality.
Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC)
B. Gather Information
Guidance on gathering information
- Use prepared questions vis-à-vis the SRA.
- Begin with appropriate general questions, then proceed to specific questions; follow-up to pin down critical incidents, using 5Ws and 1H.
- Look for complete facts using the STAR tool.
- Identify red flags and probe.
- Be conscious of non-verbal cues.
- Be careful when gathering sensitive information.
- Know when to stop.
Tips and Reminders
- The 5 Ws and 1 H type of questions are more open-ended and behavioral questions.
- This type of question allows for in-depth investigation of data being sought.
- Pin down time frame of critical incidents.
- Maintain neutrality and objectivity throughout the interview.
One effective way to organize your questions to fishers and workers is to follow their employment journey. Use the risk-based approach and the standards as lens when asking workers about their experiences when they were recruited and hired, when they started their work, while employed, and when they decided to terminate their employment.
Risks in the Process of Recruitment and Employment of Workers
Figure 2. Risks in Process Recruitment and Employment of Workers
C. Close the Interview
Check for satisfaction. Are you satisfied with the answers you received? Is there a need to follow-up or revisit a data point?
Be clear on the next steps. Let the worker you are interviewing know what you will do with the information provided and the process that will follow.
Manage the interviewee’s concerns, if any.
Thank the interviewee.
Tips in Addressing Workers’ Concerns
- Explain to workers how confidentiality is protected in the audit/assessment process.
- During opening meeting with management, explain worker interview protocols and emphasize confidentiality requirements.
- Ensure sufficient privacy during interview.
- Expand sample to protect workers in case there are any issues that can be easily attributed to a worker or a group of workers interviewed.
- Assess whether interview process will result in actual threats of reprisals; stop interviews if risks of reprisals are high and report to APM.
- Provide mechanisms for workers to report any reprisals.
- Ensure worker identity is protected all throughout the process, including in the presentation of findings.
- Clearly state the objective of the interview.
- Do not make promises.
- Be neutral.
- Be sensitive to workers’ concerns
Knowledge Check
If you found this module helpful and would like more practical skills-building training, Verité offers the instructor-led course The Verité Approach to Gathering Information from Workers. More information on this and other courses can be found here.
Please note that the photos included in this toolkit are used solely to illustrate the locations and situations in which risks of violations to the standards are being discussed. The people shown in the photo(s) do not represent any specific person or group of people noted in the text.
Cover: Verité
Photo for Approaches to Interviewing:
Denniz Futalan/Pexels.comFigure 1: Steps to Interviewing Management:
Sora Shimazaki/Pexels.comManagement Interview:
VeritéPhoto for section: Open the Interview:
Photo for section: Gather Information:
Figure 2. Risks in Process Recruitment and Employment of Workers:
Photo for section: Close the Interview:
Gregory Culmer/Conservation InternationalPhoto for section: Tips in Addressing Worker’s Concerns:
VeritéKnowledge Check:
Jessa Marie Pedrola/Conservation International