Who are the critical or key informants in a social assessment process in the seafood sector?


  1. Boat captain

  2. Engineers and crew, cook

  3. Workers

  4. Vessel operations manager


  1. Fish farm/facility manager

  2. Human resources manager/personnel clerk

  3. Persons-in-charge of: recruitment, wages, accounting, payroll

  4. Farm/facility supervisors/group leaders

  5. Staff managing contractors

  6. Staff handling worker welfare, food, accommodations

  7. Health and safety officer

  8. Nurse/clinic staff

  9. Gender committee, grievance committee, other committee management representatives

  10. Union officers

  11. Labor suppliers and contractors

  12. Labor agency representatives (receiving country)

  13. Cooperative store managers


Pre-Assessment Preparations

What do you need to prepare and consider before starting the interview

As the assessor, there are steps that you can take ahead of the assessment to ensure that you are prepared to conduct an interview with representatives of the Unit of Assessment. 

Basic knowledge of their business processes, employment practices, and profile of their workers are vital information that can determine your line of questioning and shape the course of the interview, and even help you with your assessment team composition and logistics.

This section will focus on the preparations that can help you conduct a more effective and efficient interview of management and workers. 


Approaches to Interviewing